When Wilson was a puppy, we noticed a rash on his inner thigh and took him to the vet. She tested for mites, amoung other things, but couldn't figure out what it was, so she sent us home with antibiotics and steroids. A few weeks later it was gone, but a month or two later, it returned. After another round of tests with no results and another round of antibiotics and steriods, Wilson started biting his paws and rubbing his face into anything he could find. Clearly, he had allergies, and the vet said the rash was most likely related. At this point it was springtime, so we decided to get through with Benadryl and see if the allergies were seasonal. By winter, the rash was back and his nose was runny as ever. Not seasonal. So we gave him Science Diet's hypoallergenic food and treats, in hopes that it was just food allergies. Not the case. So finally, this past weekend, we had blood work done to see what exactly he was allergic to. Turns out - 21 different things. 21! Poor boy! The biggest was mold, but also dust mites, fleas, and several types of greenery. Also human dander - which means he's allergic to us! So now he has to have allergy shots, but until then, I've been giving him more Benadryl and baths in some medicating shampoo.
But he's not crazy about the baths. Hopefully the shots will be easy, and solve the allergy problems. Does anyone else have to give their dogs allergy shots?
Poor baby! Allergic to his people! That's terrible!
Jemima Jones Beck
Awww! Poor baby! And allergic to his humans? Yikes!
Oh, gracious - bathing pugs is never easy. They always try to jump out and occassionallly succeed. Here are some cute pictures of bathtime not too long ago:
napoleon has allergies and they are horrible in the summer mainly because he is allergic to grass and pollen. So far we have avoided the allergy shots but do use the special allergy shampoo and he is on a special wheat free dog food (lamb and rice made by Nutro.) A couple times he has gotten hives from various things and we had to get him a steriod shot. We have had no luck with benedryl. I think the shampoo has helped him the most.
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